CEN-Conference 2023, Basel, Switzerland

STRATOS Satellite Symposium at CEN-Conference 2023, September 7 2023,  14.35-18.00


Ruth Keogh   
London, UK

Willi Sauerbrei   
Freiburg, Germany

Program Stratos Symposium


Session 1

Experience and progress with developing guidance for the analysis of key topics in observational research (slides part 1 part 2)

Sauerbrei W, Abrahamowicz M, Le Cessie S, Huebner M, Keogh R, Carpenter J for the STRATOS initiative  

Initial data analysis is a necessary step in the research workflow

Huebner M, Schmidt CO, Lusa L for TG3  

Level 1 guidance on conducting and reporting sensitivity analyses for missing data

Lee K, Mainzer R, Carpenter J for TG1 


Session 2

Statistical analysis of high-dimensional biomedical data: A gentle introduction to analytical goals, common approaches and challenges

Rahnenfuehrer J, Ambrogi F, De Bin R, McShane L for TG9  

Ongoing research towards state-of-the-art in variable and functional form selection for statistical models

Heinze G, Perperoglou A, Sauerbrei W for TG2  

Data-Driven Simulations to Assess the Impact of Data Imperfections in Real-World Time-to-Event Analyses 

Abrahamowicz M, Beauchamp M-E, Boulesteix A-L, Morris TP, Sauerbrei W,  Kaufman JS for  the STRATOS Simulation Panel  

Session 3

Methodological research needs to improve – getting involved to increase future contributions of the STRATOS initiative

Sauerbrei W, Abrahamowicz M, Le Cessie S, Huebner M, Keogh R, Carpenter J for the STRATOS initiative