Glossary Panel (GP)
Chairs: Martin Boeker, Marianne Huebner
Members: Willi Sauerbrei, Carsten Oliver Schmidt, Peggy Sekula, Ingeborg Waernbaum

A Glossary: Towards a Unified Semantics of Statistical and Study-related Terms

For discussions within TGs, between TGs and for dissemination of guidance, having one glossary of relevant statistical terms has severe advantages. It will help to avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation of guidance documents, data, analyses and more, and therefore enhance consistency.

The glossary panel has started to provide a core vocabulary for terms defining a unified semantics in the domain of the STRATOS project. It joins parts of two glossaries on statistical terms kindly made available to us: Simon Day’s “Dictionary for Clinical Trials” and the UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) glossary ( Explanations of terms need to be consolidated and agreed upon until conformance.

The Glossary will be expanded to include additional terms and made available to the public for use as standardized terminology. We know that many related projects have been started and would be pleased if colleagues or other projects are interested to help with the work on the glossary. The glossary will be made available to the public for use as standardized terminology.

All technical issues are handled by Prof. Martin Boeker and his team from the University Medical Center Freiburg.

A web interface for collaborative editing of the glossary has been provided.

You may contact Willi Sauerbrei ( if you are interested to get more information about the current state of the project.